Tuesday, 6 November 2007

Hand To Mouth/ Tessa Bunney - A Journey Through The Romanian Carpathians

Today I have been to visit the Impressions Gallery in Bradford. On show is an exhibition titled Hound To Mouth by photographer Tessa Bunney. "Hand to Mouth explores the lives of villagers and nomadic shepherds in Romania's Capathian Mountains. Made over a period of four years, Tessa Bunney worked closely with these communities, spending prolonged periods in villages and shepherd camps. AS the title suggetss, these people survive precariously by their own labour, bringing a new reality to our often idealised notion of self-sufficiency. Bunney takes us on a journey through the seasons, witnessing the chaninging landscape and the rhythms of rural activities: cheese making, crop harvesting and sheep milking. Her photographs reveal a way of life that is at times idyllic, yet often harsh. With Romania's new EU membership ans its associated health regulations, this mountain culture, rich intraditions linked closely with the land, is now under threat.

"It wasn't until later I realised the extent that this way of life is threatened by EU membership and how much will be lost when EU regulations bring all this to an end...My hope is that these rural communities are given some choice in the direction of their future and that their culture and the unique landscape they inhabit is not lost forever".

The Impressions gallery question whether the rural life is idyllic or harsh. Seeing Bunney's work I understand the romaninan life is a bit of both. Idyllic because of its traditions and simple way of life but also its ruggid landscapes, harsh weather conditions and also the main factor regarding the EU regulations. I feel Bunney has mangaged to inform me about a life and culture I knew very little about and seeing her work has encouraged me to maybe pursue something quite similar in the future.

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